Terms and conditions
Article I. - Contracting parties
1) As regards the provision of accommodation services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) by hotel DARO*** (hereinafter referred to as the “Hotel”) to a client, the contracting parties are
a.) company DARO Slovakia, s.r.o., Hodruša -Hámre 311, 966 61 Hodruša – Hámre, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Banská Bystrica, section: Sro, insert No.: 8501/S, ID number: 36619451, tax ID number: 2020066147, VAT ID number: SK2020066147; and
b.) natural persons or legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the “Clients”)
2) The Client can order the Services from the Hotel (hereinafter referred to as the “Booking”) personally, by telephone, in writing, by e-mail or through the Hotel web site.
3) The contents of the Booking are specified at the Hotel web site.
4) If the Hotel capacity enables so and if the Reservation includes all the prescribed information and if the Client provides the Hotel with all the related necessary information, the Hotel will confirm that the Services in accordance with the Booking will be provided.
5) The Hotel will confirm the Booking in writing, by e-mail, by telephone or through internet.
Article II. - Provision of Services by the Hotel to the Clients
1) The Hotel will provide the Clients with the Services based on their Bookings and in accordance with confirmation of such Bookings, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise.
2) The Hotel will provide the Clients with the Services to the agreed scope, otherwise to the scope and in a way specified in the Hotel documents in force, in particular in the Hotel web site.
3) The Client shall be obligated to pay the agreed price for the Services provided by the Hotel, otherwise the price specified in the Hotel pricelist of accommodation services in force. This applies to price, payment method and payment deadline.
4) The Hotel shall be entitled to ask an advance payment or a deposit, and shall be obligated to inform the Client about it in writing when confirming the Booking.
5) The price of the Hotel Services results from confirmation of the Booking. Unless agreed otherwise, the prices in accordance with the Pricelist in force available at the reception and published at the Hotel web site shall apply.
6) The price of the Services shall be paid not later than on the day of the agreed provision of the Services.
Article III. - Rights and obligations of the Client
1) The Client shall be entitled to receive the Services from 02:00 p.m. of the first day of the agreed performance of the Services.
2) After the Services were provided to the Client, the Client shall be obligated to leave a Hotel room until 10:00 a.m. of the agreed last day of performance of the Services, unless agreed otherwise. If the Client delays with fulfilment of such obligation, he or she shall be obligated to pay a price in accordance with the Pricelist in force available at the reception and published at the Hotel web site for every day of such delay.
3) If the Client fails to arrive until 06:00 p.m. of the first day of the agreed performance of the Services and unless the contracting parties agree otherwise in writing, by telephone or through internet, the Hotel can cancel the provision of such Services to the Client, about which the Hotel shall inform the Client in writing, by telephone or through internet.
4) The Client shall be entitled to cancel any Services already confirmed by the Hotel.
5) In case of an unilateral cancellation of the Services the Client shall be obligated to pay to the Hotel a cancellation fee under the conditions and in the sum specified in par. 6 of this Article.
6) Cancellation conditions and cancellation fees:
The order party shall be entitled to cancel the ordered Services in writing or by telephone and consequently in writing up to 28 days before the agreed arrival. The supplier shall be entitled to charge the following cancelation fees in case of later cancellation or no cancellation:
- 28 – 21 days: 20% of the price of accommodation;
- 21 – 14 days: 40% of the price of accommodation;
- 14 – 7 days: 75% of the price of accommodation;
- 7 – 0 days: 100% of the price of accommodation.
By filing an order, the Client (order party) accepts cancellation fees and other business conditions. The cancellation fee will not be charged if the Client could not use the ordered Services due to serious reasons supported by believable written evidence (serious illness and decease of such Client or a family member, institutional treatment, natural disaster, military service). Adverse snow and weather conditions shall not be the reason for not charging the cancellation fee.
Article IV. - Final provisions
1) These General Terms and Conditions and legal relations arisen based on them shall be governed by the Slovak law and order.
2) A stay of the Client at the hotel is governed by the Rules of Accommodation that shall be binding for the Clients. The Rules of Accommodation are available at the Hotel reception.
3) If the Client provides the Hotel with any information about his or her payment card or credit card, including number, such Client agrees that the Hotel can use such card to satisfy the Client´s debt to the Hotel, in particular the payable price of the Services and the cancellation fee.
4) The Clients confirm that they are aware of these Terms and Conditions and that by delivering the Booking to the Hotel, by a unilateral cancelation of the Services or by accommodating at the Hotel they agree with them.
5) These General Business Terms and Conditions for the provision of accommodation services at Hotel DARO *** shall come to effect on 01 May 2015.
Protection personal data
Information about protection personal data
Dear clients,
In this information memorandum we would like to provide you with some detailed information about processing your personal data for the marketing purposes.
The main goal of the following processing is to provide you with the newest information about actual and new products and services of our business partners. The other goal is to provide you with the time-limited offers and practical information in writen or electronic form. We make an effort to create offers based on segmentation and profiling and to present you only relevant offers of products and services, not to be overwhelmed with offers of products that you have already kept at disposition or ones that does not suit your needs.
Due to the fact, that on May 25th, 2018 the regulation of the European parliament and Council of the European union 2016/679 about personal entity protection when processing personal data and their free movement comes into the force that cancel the direction Nr. 95/46/ES, it is necessary to get the new consent from you that suits the new requirements.
Please read following information about processing personal data below that we have prepared as questions in order that this information memorandum is as much comprendious and practical as possible according to the information research. If you have any questions and comments regarding to your supplied consent please call our line: +421 (0) 45 540 00 23 or send an e-mail to: recepcia@hoteldaro.sk, info@hoteldaro.sk.
- Who is the administrator of your personal data?
- What personal data do we process?
- What is the source of your personal data?
- What purposes did you give your approval for?
- Why does it come to profiling and automatic decision?
- How long do we process your personal data?
- Who are our business partners?
- Who is allowed to access your personal data?
- What are your rights while processing your personal data?
- How can you withdraw your personal data consent?
1. Who is the administrator of your personal data?
The administrator of your personal data is the company that identify the goal and means of processing personal data. For the marketing purposes the administrator of your personal data is the company:
2. What personal data do we process?
For the marketing purposes we process following cathegories of personal data that help us to settle the offer of products and services that you could like and solve your needs.
- Basic identification data – name, registered place, date of birth, address of residence
- Contact data – telephone number, e-mail address.
- Sociodemographic data – statistical data about age, gender, education, job, number of children.
- Information about using products and services – what services you used to have in the past, information about utilizing internet customer zone. Based on this data we are able to recommed right products and services.
- Information from the telephone calls reports or other interactions with you, for example by e-mail, chat, SMS.
- Geolocational data – geolocational data from the web browser. These data can be usually used to recommend the contact for the nearest agent or the branch office.
3. What is the source of the personal data?
We get personal data presented in the previous article right from you. You present these personal data in the client agreement or you might present them in some other documents.
Personal data could also come from the public accessible sources, registers and records, for example from the business register. Your personal data could also come from the third persons that are authorised to treat them.
4. What purposes did you give your approval for?
You give your approval for the marketing purposes that consists of following activities:
- offer of products and services. We can provide you with the offers pursuant to your approval by electronic form, especially by e-mails or messages sent on the mobiles through the telephone number by way of web customer zone, by written form or by telephone call form,
- automated processing personal data aimed to regulate business offer to your individual needs,
- a market research or customer satisfaction researches with using products and services.
The approval given for marketing purposes is voluntary. However it is necessary for us to send you individual offers of products and services and our business partners. We cannot provide individual offers of products and services without such approval.
5. Why does it come to profilling and automatic decision?
Our company makes an effort to provide you with individual adjusted offers of products and services. It is the reason that we profile your personal data according to your consent. We use automatic information systems, web applications or calculators for this purpose. Due to these we send you individualized reports and offers of products and services of our company.
Automatic evaluation (profillling) of personal data would help to know you and your needs better, measure your future steps and regarding to these optimise our products and services.
6. How long do we process your personal data?
You confered the consent to the company for the period of agreed relationship duration and for the following 10 years from cancellation such agreed relationship or up to the moment that your cancel your consent.
After this time your personal data will be erased but only in terms and for purposes that do not require consent due to the legal regulations.
7. Who are our business partners?
In the consent you agreed with the offers of products and personal data disposal to our selected business partners. Our business partners also keep the rules of personal data protection and we all negotiated the agreement of personal data processing.
8. Who is allowed to access your personal data?
Other subjects that process personal data as agents and they provide services to the company could be allowed to access your data due to the data processing for marketing purposes. For exaple they are some outside companies that manage our systems or other services which cover the proper company operation and personal data processing for marketing purposes.
We have made the agreement about personal data processing with mentioned agents and pursuant to this they are required to keep strict rules of personal data protection.
9. What are your rights while processing your personal data?
For the companies in Slovakia proper personal data processing is important and their protection is completely the matter of certainty. You can apply following rights while personal data processing:
Information about your personal data processing
Information includes mainly: identification and contact data of the administrator, its assistant or on appointed person, processing purposes, cathegories of objective personal data, receiver or cathegories of receivers of personal data, information about personal data transfer to the third countries, period of personal data holding, appointed admininstrators, list of your rights, possibility to come to the Personal data protection Agency, source of personal data processing, information if and how comes to the automatic decision taking and profilling.
The right to access personal data
You have the right to confirm if personal data are processed or not processed and if so are you allowed to access processing information, cathegories of personal data, receivers or cathegories of receivers, period of storing personal data as well as the right for information about your rights and the right to bring complaint to the Personal data protection Agency, information about the source of personal data, information if it comes to the automatic decision taking and profilling, information and warrantys in case of personal data transfer to the third country or international institution. You have the right to be provided with the copies of processed personal data.
The right for correction
Are we processing not actual or inaccurate personal data? Have you changed for example the residence address? Please inform us about it and we will correct the personal data.
The right for clearance (the right to be forgotten)
In some particular cases settled by law we are obliged to clear your personal data as you advise. Every single request reports to the individual judgement because also the company Hotel DARO, s.r.o. is obliged or it is legitimated to keep personal data.
The right to limit processing
If you wish that your personal data should be processed only on necessary purposes by law or you wish to block your personal data.
The right for data portability
If you wish to provide your personal data to the other company we submit your personal data in the adequate form to the certain subject only if there are no objections by law or other significant limits.
The right to apply objections and automatic individual decision taking
If you realize the we process personal data in disagreement with your personal life protection or in disagreement with the law regulations please contact us and require the explanation or disposal of inadequate condition. You can apply your objections right against the automatic decision taking and profilling.
The right to complain to the personal data protection Agency
Whenever you complain about personal data processing or any suggestion you can refer to the supervisory body which is the Personal data protection Agency of Slovak republic seated in Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27.
Where you can apply your rights and are they paid?
Some single rights you can apply in the company, by phone using lines: 00 23+421 (0) 45/540 00 42, +421 (0) 45/540 sending e-mail to the address: info@hoteldaro.sk or by written requests sent to the seat of the company or the the correspondent address: Hodruša-Hámre 1267, 966 61 Hodruša-Hámre.
All the information and comments to your rights you apply we provide for free.
When you can obtain the answers from the company?
Comments and possible information about applied arrangements will be provided as soon as possible, up to the 1 month the latest. In case of a need and regarding the complication and number of requests we can prolong this period up to 2 months. Anyway we will inform you about the prolongation and its reasons.
10. How can you withdraw your personal data consent?
Processing personala data with consent is based on the principle of voluntariness. It means that you can cancel it whenever you want. Do not you want to receive the offers of products and services from our business partners? We feel sorry about it but we fully respect your decision.
What should the withdrawal be consist of?
- Who submits the withdrawal. Please mention your name, surname, residence address and your birthday date for us to identify you.
- Who you submit the withdawal to. You can address it to all branches or if you want to keep sending offers of particular branches, name only these that you want or do not want to allow to keep contacting you.
- Information that you do not wish us to process your personal data. If you wish to receive only chosen offers, please specify what are they for us to satisfy you.
What form can I send the withdrawal in?
- The withdrawal of processing personal data of consent for the marketing purposes is possible to send only in the written form to have its proper record. Do not forget to sign it.
- By written statement sent to the residence or the correspondent address of the company.
- By written statement submitted to any of branch. The current list of branches can be found at: DARO hotel Ltd, 1267 Hodruša-Hámre, 966 61.
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